Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Just a plain crash

I was watching the start of the TV show Medium and the lead character was having a dream about a plane crash and I had to laugh.
I've been there a hundred times, maybe a thousand times in every variation. I've been in crashing planes as a passenger and as a pilot. I've been on the ground watching them crash more times than I want to remember. I've seen them shot down and I've shot them down. I've had these dreams as long as I can remember and like almost all my dreams they're very detailed.

There may be some psychological reason for these particular dreams, but I don't know what that'd be because I've had them through every phase of my life from when I was a carefree teenager, through troubled relationships, happy relationships, lousy jobs and great jobs.

I had one particularly interesting dream where I was in the second level of a house looking out the window. I saw this passenger plane in the distance and it was in trouble. The plane was heading towards me lurching and smoking. Just short of the house the plane went down hitting a pond. The water from the pond began coming towards the house in a huge wave and as it began washing towards the house, I realized I had the passenger list in my hand and I started reading the names. When I got to the crew, I read the pilots name and it was me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so disturbing. I have plane crash dreams too, and I'm always on the ground watching it hurdle towards me. I'm a tornado dreamer too. And wars, lots of dreams about war. Maybe we're really just train wrecks waiting to happen, eh?

12:26 PM  
Blogger mcse96 said...

I've had the war dreams lots of times as well but never any tornados.
Train wrecks, yes maybe. :)

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry so late on the comment!
An avid dreamer myself, I haven't had plane crash dream that I know of...but I do partake in the Tornado dreams as well...they are always exhilarating and exciting, not really too scarey.

I've had a few war and bomb dreams...scarey, scarey stuff.

1:50 AM  

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